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how to make a generator quiet

BISON will delve into the nuts and bolts of how to make your generator quiet, giving you the peace and quiet you deserve without compromising power.

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In the world of power solutions, BISON generator manufacturers are undisputed champions. They are robust machines that convert mechanical energy into electrical power for use in an external circuit, providing a reliable source of power when you need it most. However, with great power comes significant noise – a byproduct of the mechanical processes within these powerhouses.

Generators can be loud, and their noise can be a nuisance, especially in residential areas or quiet environments. But did you know there’s a way to silence them? Quieting a generator not only reduces noise pollution but also enhances user comfort, prolongs the generator’s lifespan, and improves overall efficiency.

This blog post is for anyone who owns a generator – whether you’re a homeowner using it as a backup power supply, a business relying on it for daily operations, or a camper seeking a peaceful outdoor experience. BISON will delve into the nuts and bolts of how to make your generator quiet, giving you the peace and quiet you deserve without compromising power. So, buckle up and get ready to learn how to transform your roaring beast into a gentle giant!

how to make a generator quiet: a comprehensive guide

Making a generator quieter involves various methods, each targeting a different aspect of the noise-generation process. Here are some common methods:

Buy a generator that fits your needs

An important thing to keep in mind before purchasing a generator is what your power needs are. If you know what you need before you buy, you can avoid a noisy generator situation altogether.

It’s straightforward. The more power your generator can put out, the more noise it will make. It would be best to weigh the power you need, the amount of noise, and how much you are willing to spend on a generator.

Some people only need enough power while camping to charge their phones, tablets, and essentials. If you only try to power such small devices, you can get away with a smaller and less powerful generator. Generators that put out a few hundred watts can handle these small tasks.

If you want to power larger appliances like your camper’s refrigerator, A/C unit, or microwave, you’ll require a generator with a higher watts output. Generators that can handle these large items have an output of 2,000 – 5,000 watts.

BISON generator manufacturing company quiet generators are specifically designed to deliver higher output while being quieter than other models. These BISON quiet generators are usually more expensive and are the best of both worlds.

Have the exhaust pipes face or away from you

The first thing to remember when using your generator while camping is the position of the generator itself. Especially the exhaust end of the generator. You should always keep this side of the generator away from your campsite.

With some models of generators, it is also possible to point the exhaust pipes upwards towards the sky.

Either position will direct the exhaust noise away from you.

Measure the noise after putting the generator far away

Move your generator farther away

The next thing to remember when considering how to quiet the generator is how far you place it from your campsite. This is one of the most essential factors in ensuring your camp stays quiet when using a generator.

For example, if camping in a campground offers small camping spots, you must be mindful of your neighbors. You don’t want to disturb your fellow campers with the noise of your generator near their campsite.

If you’re camping somewhere with no other people, the most significant factors to consider are the length of your extension cord and how much walking you like to do. The further you place your generator from your campsite, the quieter it will be.

Most generator brands will display the decibel rating for that particular model. This decibel rating is usually measured approximately 7 meters from the operating generator. So a good rule of thumb is to keep your generator at least 20 feet (how far away should the generator be from the home?) away from your campsite if you want to operate in this decibel range. 

Purchasing heavy-duty extra-long extension cords will enable you to position your generator as far away as you’d like, provided you have the necessary space and no nearby campers.

Placing your generator at least 20 feet from your campsite can significantly reduce noise and focus on enjoying the outdoors.

Place the generator on a soft surface

Another essential factor to consider when figuring out how to quiet a generator is the level at which you leave it running. Once you find a reasonable distance to place your generator, you need to place it at a level that reduces noise rather than increasing it.

It is best to avoid all hard surfaces. So do not place the generator on concrete, wood, or asphalt; these surfaces only amplify the noise.

Generally, if you are camping, dirt or grass are the best and only options to turn your generator on. Both of these are great solutions for installing your generator. Both of these will absorb and dampen the sound the rumbling generator produces.

Say you’re in a situation where you don’t have soft ground to put a generator on. An anti-vibration mat is an excellent solution here. Anti-vibration mats are usually rubber and help dampen vibrations and noise from home appliances.

You can put one of these rubber feet under the generator, which will help eliminate noise from vibration.

Use a sound deflector to silence your generator

Now that you have placed your generator on a soft surface, far away from your campsite, the next best thing you can do to silence it is to use sound deflectors.

Although it sounds technical, it is a straightforward thing to implement. This can go a long way if you are figuring out how to make the generator as quiet as possible.

You will only need four sheets of plywood and a sheet of non-combustible material. Drywall is a good material for this because it is relatively fire-resistant. Each piece should be about 4 feet wide and 3 feet long.

You can place each of these pieces at specific angles against the generator. Be sure to use a piece of drywall for the side of the generator that contains the exhaust. You don’t want your deflectors to catch fire!

By placing these pieces of wood at an angle around the generator, you leave room for airflow while deflecting the sound waves toward the ground. You can quickly reduce the decibels your generator is putting out without negatively affecting performance.

Build an acoustic enclosure or soundproof baffle box

Another idea similar to making deflectors is to create an acoustic enclosure or soundproof baffle box.

The reason this solution works is because deflectors work so well. The enclosure will contain the sound waves and substantially reduce the decibels of noise coming from the generator.

The best thing about a baffle box or acoustic enclosure is that it is much more compact than lugging five plywood panels into your trailer or RV. Another good thing is buying a baffle box or making your own.

If you decide to do your rounds, it’s a relatively simple process. There are only a few things you will need to make a baffle box:

  • Wood 2×4
  • Silent board
  • L bracket
  • Foam sealer

If you plan to use a homemade baffle box, one thing to keep in mind is that you need to add holes for airflow.

This is very important because if the baffle box enclosure does not have significant airflow, the heat will damage the generator. Cut a hole in the side of the box where the generator is routed.

Replace your generator’s muffler

One of the most popular strategies to quiet a generator is installing generator mufflers. A muffler’s job is to, you guessed it, muffle the sound coming from the exhaust pipes connected to the generator’s motor.

Perforated tubes inside the muffler are intended to reflect sound waves from the engine and lessen the noise that eventually exits via the exhaust pipe.

The exhaust pipe is one of the noisiest parts of a generator, second only to the engine. By improving the quality of the generator exhaust muffler, generator noise can be reduced by about 10-12 dB.

Remember that replacing the muffler on your car or truck may be easy, but finding a muffler that fits your generator can be difficult. This is because many types of generators are on the market with different-sized exhaust pipes.

Finding a specific muffler that will fit your generator out of the box may not be an option.

Your best option is to talk to a professional mechanic or small engine repairman. They will have a better idea of what choices you have in replacing your generator muffler.

Don’t let the noise ruin your peace! Invest in our high-quality generator mufflers and enjoy a quieter life. Click here to purchase now!

Use water as your generator muffler

If going to the trouble of installing a replacement muffler seems too much, you can try water instead. There’s still a bit of customization you’ll have to do for this.

All you need is a 5-gallon bucket of water, a hose, and a clamp to secure the hose to the exhaust pipe. Be sure to place the generator on higher ground than the bucket of water.

You don’t want water flowing backward into the exhaust pipe of your generator. You can also poke some small holes in the hose to be extra careful not to let the water back up.

The setup is pretty straightforward. Join the hose to the exhaust pipe using your clamp. Then, place the other end of the hose in a bucket of water. The water will act as a muffler on the exhaust noise coming from the generator.

Using this method of water muffler, you can expect to quiet the generator around 5-7 decibels.

Reposition the generator

An easy way to quiet the generator is to change its location and how it faces your campsite. Exhaust pipes are where most of the noise originates, so if you point that area toward your camp, there will be disturbances due to noise.

Keep exhaust pipes away from the campsite so the noise goes in the opposite direction.

Whether your generator type permits it, you can also investigate whether you can move the exhaust pipe so that it points up rather than down by consulting your manual.

Either of these methods will reduce noise production.

Deflect Sound with Plywood

Are you seeking a simpler method for building an enclosure box? Consider arranging sections of acoustic plywood around the generator, which can also help diminish the noise level.

Investigate the safest approaches to this task, as it could be risky to position combustible materials around typical generators. Be wary of situating any plywood close to the exhaust pipe and pay attention to the angle of the plywood to ensure adequate airflow.

Make sure each component is placed purposefully to avoid any safety threats; otherwise, it could lead to a fire. Once more, adhere to all safety instructions provided in your generator’s safety manual.

What decibel rating makes the generator loud?

Now, for those still in research mode and who have yet to purchase a generator, we will provide some information to help you find peace of mind. This way, you won’t need to go through the above steps. Expected.

First, how loud is a decibel? How do you know what 50, 60, or 70 decibels sound like?

And here’s something you need to understand about increasing decibel levels. An increase of ten points means something is ten times louder.

So, a generator rated at 80 decibels will be ten times louder than one rated at 70.

How generator decibel levels are assessed is a crucial factor to take into account. Most manufacturers, but not all, take their measurements at a distance of 23 feet (7 meters).

Why is this important?

First, you must ensure that whatever you’re comparing is measured.

But you also need to understand that what sounds like a dishwasher or vacuum cleaner from 23 feet away will be much louder if it’s 2 feet away from your home.

The point? Don’t be fooled by these numbers.

You can find generators that range from the mid-50s to the mid-80s. Try to select a model in the lower range, especially if you can’t keep it far enough from your home.


Generators, while essential for power supply, can often be noisy. However, with the right methods and techniques, you can significantly reduce these noise levels. From repositioning your generator, using anti-vibration mounts, installing it on a concrete pad, using an acoustic enclosure, or choosing a quieter model, there are various ways to achieve a quieter operation.

Additional measures such as regular maintenance, using the right fuel, and cleaning your generator regularly can further enhance its efficiency and quietness. Other solutions include soundproofing the room where the generator is housed, using a sound deflector, investing in a generator silencer, or running the generator at lower power.

We hope this informative and professional guide has provided you with practical solutions to make your generator quieter. As a leading generator manufacturer, we offer a wide range of quiet generators equipped with advanced features designed to minimize noise, maximize efficiency, and provide reliable power.

For more information about the BISON product line or to learn about the BISON generator factory customized services, we invite you to visit our website. BISON’s expertise in providing high-quality, low-noise generators is reflected in our commitment to customer satisfaction and innovative solutions. Explore BISON offerings today and experience the difference of a quieter, more efficient generator!

make a generator quiet, people also ask

Generators typically generate noise levels between 60-80 decibels. This is an amalgamation of sounds emanating from the engine, cooling fan, alternator, and engine. Mechanical noise can also be a result of changes in the alternator windings and the vibration of structural elements.

Noise regulations vary across states, dependent on location and zoning. High-capacity generators with significant noise output may potentially exceed these limits, especially in densely populated regions. Therefore, it’s advisable to review your local guidelines prior to purchasing a generator.

A blend of different strategies may be required to effectively reduce the noise produced by your generator.

Take action today and ensure you’re informed about your local noise regulations before purchasing your next generator.

Indeed, there’s no absolute assurance that you can tone down the noise of a loud generator to a level that’s pleasant to your ears. However, certain steps could aid in decreasing the sound. If nothing works, it might be worth considering buying a less noisy model.


Yes, this is an option. An acoustic enclosure is one way to reduce the noise from the generator. Whether you can use this option depends on location, size, and security. Although walls can help reduce noise levels, results are not guaranteed.

Generators are considered quiet when rated for the 50-60 decibel (dB) range at a distance specified by the manufacturer. However, some factors complicate this seemingly simple statement. To understand how loud a generator is, it’s essential to know how sound is measured.

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